Three letters: SEO. These three letters evoke nearly as many mixed emotions as overbookings. You know you have to optimize hostel website with SEO so search engines can show it in their results. From theory, it all sounds easy, but when it comes to execution…...
Research shows that 87% of travelers will visit the accommodation website before making the final decision. That means if you have no hostel website – you’re losing money. The money which you need to pay to OTA (online travel agencies like Booking) for...
Setting the right price is extremely important in the hostel. After all, you need to find the sweet spot between too high and too low. Easy peasy, right? And there are many ways to go about it. This post discusses setting up price strategies in a hostel and how...
A common struggle shared by many hostel owners and managers? Hiring and retaining excellent staff. You see, staff can make or break the hostel. While finding a responsible and hardworking person is complicated in itself, you need to do what you can to keep them once...
When is the price too low? When it’s too high? Where is the sweet spot with optimized occupancy where hostel revenues grow? If you’re doing revenue management in your hostel and usually you’re buried under the numbers, Excel sheets, and tracking...
Direct bookings have been a buzzword for a long time. Yes, OTAs are still big players on the booking map. But, your direct booking channel can become a hella lot more competitive with free booking links on Google. Google announced free booking links in...