
Cloud Property Management System (PMS)

Simplify operations, help staff avoid mistakes
and get more control.

Manage the Complete Booking Lifecycle


FrontDesk Master helps you earn more, by increasing your online visibility.


  • Easily organize and modify bookings in real-time
  • Work smarter, with the only multi-window PMS
  • Sell 1 room under multiple room types to boost revenue
  • Impress guests with multilingual pre- & post-stay email


Stay in Control of Your Finances


Hostels and hotels need a PMS to manage their cash flow. Ours is powerful and user-friendly.


  • Track income and expenses for multiple accounts
  • Create special promotions & price strategies
  • Manage your inventory with Point of Sale (POS)
  • Automate your tax model and send reports


 Increase Revenues With These Integrations

Connect our Cloud PMS with FrontDesk Master Channel Manager, Booking Engine, or 3rd party integrations.



    Support Your Staff


    Staff can make or break a hostel (and a hotel too). Make their job easier with our tools.


    • Set up multiple users accounts & access levels
    • Review timesheets & transactions from every shift
    • Avoid mistakes, with a 2-step system for balancing the till
    • Monitor the housekeeping status of beds & rooms


    Manage the Complete Booking Lifecycle


    FrontDesk Master helps you earn more, by increasing your online visibility


    • Easily organize and modify bookings in real-time
    • Work smarter, with the only multi-window PMS
    • Sell 1 room under multiple room types to boost revenue
    • Impress guests with multilingual pre- and post-stay emails


    Stay in Control of Your Finances


    Hostels and hotels need a PMS to manage their cash flow. Ours is powerful and user-friendly.


    • Track income and expenses for multiple accounts
    • Create special promotions & price strategies
    • Manage your inventory with Point of Sale (POS)
    • Automate your tax model and send reports


    Support Your Staff


    Staff can make or break a hostel. Make their job easier with our tools.


    • Set up multiple users accounts & access levels
    • Review timesheets & transactions from every shift
    • Avoid mistakes, with a 2-step system for balancing the till
    • Monitor the housekeeping status of beds & rooms


    Increase Revenues With These Integrations


    Connect our Cloud PMS with FrontDesk Master Channel Manager, Booking Engine, or 3rd party integrations.


    You get more control with these Features

    The Only Multi-Window Cloud PMS

    Work faster and smarter, by opening many windows in the same tab.

    Complete Managerial Dashboard

    Get key data, no matter where you are. (Occupancy, revenue & more.)

    Multiple Users & Access Levels

    Everyone can use the system at once, but you control what they can do.

    100% Online

    No downloads or installations. Never worry about compatibility.

    Shift Audit

    Review timesheets & transactions from every shift.


    Review timesheets & transactions from every shift.

    One Login for Everything

    Only pay one invoice. Only deal with one support team. Only remember one password.

    Sales/City Tax & Police Reports

    Automate your tax model and send reports.

    Accounts & Transactions

    Manage cashflow from a user-friendly interface that supports multiple accounts & transaction categories.

    Best-in-Class BedView Calendar

    Add nights, change rooms & manage groups. New bookings & cancella

    Revenue Management Tools

    Automate promotions and prices depending on season, occupancy & more.

    Point of Sale (POS) & Inventory Control

    Manage your inventory and increase upsell.

    Reports & Statistics

    Track performance over time. Compare or combine data from multiple properties.

    Bills & Vendors

    Scan bills and build a list of all your vendors.

    Housekeeping Module

    Print a detailed checklist, and monitor the status of beds & rooms online.

    Multilingual Pre- & Post-Stay Emails

    Customize & schedule confirmations, thank you’s or surveys. Sell tours and other extras. (Plain text or HTML.)

    Automated Online Invoicing

    Customize templates that instantly generate after each payment.

    Pop-Up or Email Notifications

    Quickly communicate with your staff.

    Multi-Currency Deposits & Payments

    Easily manage multiple currencies. Automate conversions with updated exchange rates.

    Invoicing Software Integrations

    Out of the box integrations with software in Chile, Spain, Portugal, Croatia and Israel. Contact us for details.

    Real-Time Updates with Activity Logs

    Notes & changes appear instantly. You can always see who did what.

    Guest Blacklist

    Protect your properties from unwanted guests.

    Sell One Room as Many Room Types

    Give guests the option of dorm or private, so you can increase occupancy and revenue.

    Multilingual Interface

    Set the system to your preferred language (English, Spanish or Portuguese).

    No credit card. No commitment. No worries

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